If you are looking for information on former members of Hudson Friends Meeting, this information may help you with your search.
Historical records for Friends are kept at the Friends Historical Library at Swarthmore College.
There are several pages specific to Hudson Friends historical records that can be accesses by clicking here. Please note that there have been several meetings in Hudson over the years. We suggest you check records for the following:
- Hudson and Chatham Executive Meeting of Friends (Hicksite : 1888-1905 : Ghent, N.Y.)
- Hudson Monthly Meeting of Friends (Orthodox : 1828-ca. 1867 : Hudson, N.Y.)
- Hudson Preparative Meeting (Society of Friends : Hicksite : 1828-1871 : Hudson, N.Y.)
- Taghkanic-Hudson Monthly Meeting (Society of Friends : 1951-present : Hudson, N.Y.).
We suggest you start with the Friends Historical Library for records more than 5 years old, but we may be able to assist you with some records from more recent decades, please feel free to contact us at info@hudsonquakers.org.